发布时间:2025-01-31 00:48:14
吸 [xī]
1. (把液体、气体等引入体内) inhale; breathe in; draw:
例句: draw air into the lungs;
把空气吸到肺里draw a deep breath;
深深吸一口气2. (吸收) absorb; suck up:
例句: blot ink with a piece of chalk;
用粉笔把墨水吸干A sponge absorbs water.
海绵吸水。3. (吸引)attract; draw to oneself:
例句: A magnet attracts iron.
磁石吸铁。Unlike poles attract.
我有一栋楼房六间门面房 共6层 每层10个房间 每间15平米左右 想用着东楼开一个差不多的ktv 请问需要多少钱
2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14新买个水星mw300r的无线路由器全部设置好了却连不上网络用了所有办法都没有用怎么办
2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14 2025-01-31 00:48:14